Social Security and Medicare

A Policy Primer
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Eric R. Kingson
510 g
240x161x17 mm

Social Security and Medicare are of compelling concern to virtually all Americans because they impact lives so enduringly and directly through the protection they afford and the costs they entail. It is, indeed, the extraordinary social welfare commitment these programs represent and their concomitant expense that provoke such determined support and such fiscal concern. Kingson and Berkowitz provide a thorough, balanced, and highly accessible explanation of Social Security and Medicare. They explain the dilemmas facing policymakers and describe, through historical development, how the programs evolved and their present status. The authors superbly convey the complexity of issues while also clearly presenting the factual information essential to the understanding and discussion. Such key considerations as the adequacy of protection, the financing problems, issues of fairness, the response to disability, and the health care needs of the elderly are particularly focused on--the authors' are sensitive to the social welfare nature of the programs. A truly essential book not only for the classroom but the offices and living rooms of writers, administrators, planners, policymakers, social service practitioners, and the general public.
Kingson and Berkowitz are convincing not only because of their cogent and effective use of empirical data, but because of the compassion which permeates their writing. Their obvious commitment to protecting a highly vulnerable group of citizens persuasively supports the argument that social insurance is currently the best mechanism for meeting this goal. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare
Foreword by Arthur S. FlemmingSocial Security and Medicare as Policy Problems--Recurrent ThemesThe Social Insurance ApproachThe History of Social Security and MedicareThe Modern Social Security and Medicare ProgramsDoes Social Security Protect Today's and Tomorrow's Old?Is Social Security Financially Stable?Is Social Security Fair?Disability as a Policy ProblemMeeting and Financing the Health Care Needs of Older AmericansConclusion--An Invitation to Shape the FutureSelected BibliographyIndex

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