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Stop Talking, Start Doing

A Kick in the Pants in Six Parts
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Shaa Wasmund
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

There's never been a better time, or a more urgent time, tostart doing the things you want to do.Perhaps you feel your career is stuck in a rut - or maybeyou're in the wrong job altogether. Or maybe you have a greatbusiness idea but something is stopping you from actually gettingstarted. You may already be running a business but struggling toget to it to where you want it to be. Or perhaps you just want tobe more successful in general - without knowing exactly whatyour vision of success is - yet!If you want to do something but secretly fear you're nevergoing to do it, whatever that might be, then this will helpyou.Stop Talking, Start Doing is a short, clear andcleverly illustrated book that will inspire you to take action.Whatever you want to achieve, this is the kick in the pantsyou need to get to where you truly want to be.It's great that you know you can do more, but justthinking about it, won't make it happen. It's doingthat makes the difference. DO IT. If you've gotsomething you want to do... now is a good time tostart.
PART 1 TICK TOCK 1The FIRST reason to start something now...YOU CAN 8The SECOND reason to start something now...Unconventional isConventional 12The THIRD reason to start something now...The Feeling ofEmptiness 20The FOURTH reason to start something now...That TickingSound... 24PART TWO THE ITCH 31PART 3 FEAR AND REGRET 65PART 4 START 107The Elimination of Procrastination 112PART 5 THE ART OF DECISION-MAKING 131PART 6 ...AND ACTION 151

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