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So Great a Salvation

A Dialogue on the Atonement in Hebrews
 Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
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Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Jon C. Laansma
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This volume presents a dialogue between historians, exegetes, and theologians on the background and key themes of the atonement in Hebrews. Presenting a range of differing perspectives and contributing to the renewed conversation between biblical and theological scholarship, the argument is structured in two parts: contexts and themes within Hebrews.Focusing on atonement not only in the Old Testament but also in the Greco-Roman world, and touching on themes such as sacrifice, plight and solution, and faith, these contributions shed light on the concept of the atonement in a directly scriptural way. The whole is a definitive collection of studies on the atonement in Hebrews that will be of service well beyond the confines of Hebrews' specialists, a collection as important for what it says about the atonement and the 21st century church as for what it says about Hebrews.
List of Abbreviations Notes on Contributors Preface and AcknowledgmentsPart One: ContextsChapter 1: Atonement in Ancient Israel: The Whole Burnt Offering as Central to Israel's Cult - L. Michael Morales, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, USAChapter 2: Putting Words in His Mouth: The Son Speaks in Hebrews - Karen H. Jobes, Wheaton College and Graduate School, USA Chapter 3: The Origins of Hebrews' High Priest Christology: A Conundrum Revisited - Nicholas Perrin, Wheaton College, USAChapter 4: Jesus's Atoning Sacrifice in Hebrews and Atonement of Sin in the Greco-Roman World - Eckhard J. Schnabel, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USAChapter 5: The Epistle to the Hebrews in Patristic Trinitarian and Christological Doctrine - Khaled Anatolios, University of Notre Dame, USAPart Two: ThemesChapter 6: "Mediator of a New Covenant": Atonement and Christology in Hebrews - Daniel J. Treier, Wheaton College Graduate School, USAChapter 7: Blood, Death, and Sacrifice in the Epistle to the Hebrews According to Thomas Aquinas - Matthew Levering, Mundelein Seminary, USAChapter 8: Living and Active: The Exalted Prophet in the Epistle to the Hebrews - Michael Allen, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, USAChapter 9: It Is Not Finished: Jesus's Perpetual Atoning Work as the Heavenly High Priest in Hebrews - David M. Moffitt, University of St Andrews, UKChapter 10: Plight and Solution: Hebrews and the Invitation to Rest - Mark S. Gignilliat, Beeson Divinity School, USAChapter 11: Hebrews and the Jewish Law - Matthew Thiessen, McMaster University, CanadaChapter 12: Promises to the Son: Covenant and Atonement in Hebrews - Amy Peeler, Wheaton College, USAChapter 13: Time and Atonement in Hebrews - George H. Guthrie, Regent College, CanadaChapter 14: Space and Atonement in Hebrews - Cynthia L. Westfall, McMaster Divinity College, CanadaChapter 15: Faith in Hebrews and Its Relationship to Soteriology: An Interpretation in the Context of the Concept of Fides in Roman Culture - Gabriella Gelardini, Nord University, NorwayChapter 16: The Church and Atonement in Hebrews - Harold W. Attridge, Yale Divinity School, USA BibliographyIndexes

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