Identity and Emotion

Development Through Self-Organization
 HC gerader Rücken kaschiert

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HC gerader Rücken kaschiert
Harke Bosma
617 g
235x157x21 mm

Identity and Emotion, first published in 2001, focuses on the individual development of identity and the processes involved.
1. Introduction E. Saskia Kunnen, Harke A. Bosma, Cor van Halen and Matty van der Meulen; 2. Developments in self-concept theory and research: affect, context, and variability Matty van der Meulen; Commentary: the self-concept is dead, long live... which construct or process? Differentation and organization of self-related theories Annerieke Oosterwegel; 3. The self and emotions Nico H. Frijda; Commentary: the self and emotions Seymour Epstein; 4. Fish, foxes and talking in the classroom: introducing dynamic systems concepts and approaches Paul L. C. van Geert; Commentary: fish, foxes, identity and emotion Linda A. Camras and George F. Michel; 5. A rational perspective on the development of self and emotion Alan Fogel; Commentary: the personal experience of coherence Jeroen Jansz; 6. Affective processes in a multivoiced self Hubert J. M. Hermans and Els Hermans-Jansen; Commentary: affective processes in a multivoiced self in action Leni Verhofstadt-Denève; 7. Old-new answers and new-old questions for personality and emotion: a matter of complexity Jeanette Haviland-Jones, David Beaulifard and Carol Magai; Commentary: emotions as sources of information about the self Peter Heymans; 8. Cognitive-emotional self-organization in personality development and personal identity Marc Lewis and Michel Ferrari; Commentary: two faces in identity Carol Magai; 9. A self-organizational approach to identity and emotions: an overview and implications E. Saskia Kunnen, Harke A. Bosma, Cor van Halen and Matty van der Meulen.

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