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The Whys of a Scientific Life

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
John R. Helliwell
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The book describes why we undertake science and discovery in various forms, and it explores the possible limits of discovery faced jointly by scientists and society in general. The author offers case studies and illustrates how researchers collaborate to tackle science challenges of a larger scope as well as educate future science students.
1. Introduction to 'Because'. Part I: Fundamental science 2. Because we ask a question. 3. Because we make a hypothesis. 4. Because we wish to make a collection. 5. Because of 'What happens if?'. 6. Because one thing leads to another. 7. Because we get criticized. 8. Because we referee other scientists. 9. Because something unexpected happens. 10. Because sometimes we have to interrupt a line of research investigation. 11. Because we want to tackle adventurous research. Part II: The role of technology. 12. Because of technology push. Part III: The wider research and work environment. 13. Because we wish to engage in a grand challenge or mission led research objective. Part IV: The scientist's inner self. 14. Because we wish to develop our skills for a better future. 15. Because we wish to reach to an end point. 16. Because we like finding things out 'at the science bench'. Part V: Communication of science. 17. Why do scientists confer so much?. 18 Why do scientists submit their research to a journal?. Part VI: Science and society. 19. Because we can expand the scope of research with 'Open Science' bringing an improved future for Society 22. Because a new or improved product is needed via industrial research. 23. Importance of the 'Whys of a scientific life' for society. Part VII Fundamentals revisited. Why is science objective? Because of data and peer review. 24. Why is Science a joy to do?

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