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The Routledge Handbook of European Integrations

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Thomas Hoerber
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This handbook fills a significant gap in the European studies literature by providing crucial and groundbreaking coverage of several key areas that are usually neglected or excluded in European integration collections.
Introduction: The United States of Europe and new horizons for European integration Part 1: Culture Introduction - European integration and culture: four approaches 1. European Citizenship 2. The European Union, cultural diversity and the audio-visual industry: The unexpected fate of a "certain idea" of culture 3. Football and European Integration(s) 4. Iconographies of European integrations 5. Erasmus and the Bologna Process: Promoting shared values through mobility, reform, and common instruments 6. The curious case of Social Europe 7. Irregular Migration Management in the EU 8. European integration, audiovisual governance and global online platforms: Between market rationale, cultural logic and social considerations 9. A Cultural-Shared Risk Community? Towards a Cultural-Historical Theory of European (Union) Integration 10. Can Tourism Be Considered an Instrument of European Integration? Part 2: Technology Introduction - Technologies and European integrations 11. EU transport policy at a crossroad: The cost of liberalisation for climate change and personal mobility 12. European Space Policy and European Integration 13. Defence-Industrial Consolidation as a Precondition for EU Military Integration 14. Artificial Intelligence in the European Union: Policy, Ethics, and Regulation 15. Developing EU Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: On legal challenges of EU institutionalisation of cyber law-making 16. European integration, the European Research Area and European Research Infrastructures Part 3: Tangibles Introduction: The Essentials of European Integration 17. The European Union's energy policy: From market liberalisation to convergence with climate policy 18. Sustainable Development in the European Union 19. European Union Law 20. European Monetary Union: European Integration at its Heart 21. EU Differentiated Integration (DI) as a Tangible: Internal and External Dimensions 22. The long and winding road to greening the Common Agricultural Policy 23. Blue signs on the road: European Union funding and citizens¿ feelings towards membership 24. EU Common Security and Defence Policy 25. Brexit puts spotlight on Irish Peace Process and complicates potential UK/US trade deal. Conclusion

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