The Temporalities of Waste

Out of Sight, Out of Time
Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

235,91 €*

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Fiona Allon
476 g
236x157x18 mm

Reflecting on waste in the context of sustainability, materiality, social practices, subjectivity, and environmental challenges, the book covers settings from the municipal garbage crisis in Beirut, to food rescue campaigns in Hong Kong, and the toxic by-products of computer chip production in Silicon Valley.
Foreword, Myra J. Hird Introduction: Out of joint: the time of waste, Fiona Allon, Ruth Barcan and Karma Eddison-Cogan Part 1: Speed and Slowness 1. Open Crowd: just-in-time food rescue, Daisy Tam 2. Fridges and food waste: an ethnography of freshness, Rebecca Campbell and Gordon Waitt 3. Chip, body, earth: toxic temporalities of Intel Processor production, Luke Munn Part 2: Bureaucratic time 4. Bio-political temporalities of waste and the municipal collection schedule in the United States, Raysa Martinez Kruger 5. Housing waste in remote Indigenous Australia, Liam Grealy and Tess Lea 6. The imaginaries of Beirut's 'invisible' solid waste: exploring walls as temporal pauses amidst the Beirut garbage crisis, Christine Mady Part 3: Disposability and persistence 7. "All of them had been forgotten": the temporality of wasted life in contemporary Arab fiction, Tasnim Qutait 8. Lingering matter: materialities, temporalities and everyday forms of waste, Elyse Stanes 9. The landfill paradox: reflections on the temporalities of waste, Yusif Idies Part 4: Long durée and intergenerational time 10. The waste of time, Elizabeth Graham, Dan Evans and Lindsay Duncan 11. Crip Time and the toxic body: water, waste and the autobiographical self, Ally Day 12. Wasting seas: oceanic time and temporalities, Elspeth Probyn Part 5: Collisions and multiplicity 13. Today's waste is tomorrow's future: on the temporalities of two post-nuclear sites, Aleksandra Brylska 14. Toxic transmogrification: Rare Earthenware as junk art, Sabine LeBel 15. Crunch time: temporalities of scrap metal collection, Steven Kohm and Kevin Walby Part 6: Revivals and returns 16. New temporalities of everyday life in Australian suburbia: cultural and material economies of hard rubbish reuse, Tania Lewis, Rowan Wilken and Frédéric Rauturier 17. Temporal cycles of waste management in Southern African Indigenous societies, Soul Shava and Rob O'Donoghue

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