Referendum Democracy

Citizens, Elites and Deliberation in Referendum Campaigns
Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

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M. Mendelsohn
553 g
225x146x23 mm

As the referendum becomes a more regular component of decision making, it leaves few, if any, institutions, processes and values of democracy untouched. Political actors of all kinds - including political parties and interest groups - seek to use the referendum device to further their own objectives. The end result is a different kind of democracy than existed before. This book lays out the comparative research agenda on the impact of referendums on the practice of liberal democracy.
1 Very topical given increasing use of referendums2 Original theoretic approach that does not restrict itself to the simple examination of individual countries3 Original argument concerning the impact of referendums on the dynamics of systems of representative democracy
Dedication List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgements Preface Notes on the Contributors PART I: THE RISING USE OF REFERENDUMS Introduction: Referendum Democracy; M.Mendelsohn & A.Parkin Public Opinion and Support for Direct Democracy: A Grassroots Perspective; S.C.Craig, A.Kreppel & J.G.Kane The Rise of Government-Initiated Referendums in Consolidated Democracies; L.Morel PART II: THE IMPACT OF REFERENDUMS ON LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS Political Parties in Direct Democracy; I.Budge Legislative Response to Direct Legislation; E.R.Gerber Amending Constitutions Through the Referendum Device; B.Galligan Popular Control of Referendum Agendas: Implications for Democratic Outcomes and Minority Rights; S.Bowler & T.Donovan The Medium is the Message: How Referendums Lead Us to Understand Equality; A.Eisenberg PART III: THE IMPACT OF REFERENDUMS ON DELIBERATION AND DECISION-MAKING Voters' Decisions in the Nordic EU Referendums of 1994: The Importance of Party Cues; A.T.Jenssen & O.Listhaug Are Voters to Blame? Voter Competence and Elite Manoeuvers in Referendums; A.Lupia & R.Johnston The News Media and Referendums; R.Jenkins & M.Mendelsohn Constitutional Referendums and Democratic Deliberation; S.Chambers Bibliography Index

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