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Clinical Case Studies on Medication Safety

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Yaser Mohammed Al-Worafi
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

Clinical Case Studies on Medication Safety provides real and simulated scenarios about safety issues related to medication, including Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), medication errors, and Drug Related Problems (DRPs). The book explains real-life case management, including details about adverse drug reactions, mistakes during drug administration, drug avoidance, and drug-drug interactions with a goal of improving patient care. With over 150 case studies, including cases from alternative medicine and traditional medicine, this book will help medical and health sciences educators, students, healthcare professionals, and other readers apply their knowledge and skills to solve cases for better patient care.
1. Introduction to the medication safety and the importance of clinical case studies2. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) case studies: Mild ADRs3. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) case studies: Moderate ADRs4. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) case studies: Severe ADRs5. Medication errors case studies: Prescribing, transcribing, and prescriptions/orders writing errors6. Medication errors case studies: Dispensing and administration errors7. Medication errors case studies: Monitoring and counseling errors8. Medication errors case studies: Medication reconciliation errors9. Drug interactions case studies10. Adherence, compliance, and persistence case studies11. Drug-related problems case studies: Part I12. Drug-related problems case studies: Part II13. Counterfeit and substandard medications case studies14. Medications misuse and abuse case studies15. Medications safety for special population case studies: Geriatrics16. Medications safety for special population case studies: Pediatrics17. Medications safety for special population case studies: Pregnancy18. Medications safety for special population case studies: Lactation19. Herbal medicines case studies: Part I20. Herbal medicines case studies: Part II21. Antibiotics case studies: Community pharmacies and primary care and public22. Antibiotics safety case studies: Hospitals23. Vaccines safety case studies

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