Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Biological Pattern Formation

Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

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Hans G Othmer
947 g
260x183x27 mm

General Modes of Pattern Formation; J.D. Murray. Process and Outcome; P. Alberch, M.J. Blanco. Retinoic Acid Cannot be the Morphogen in Reaction Diffusion Models for the Formation of the Chick Wing Bud; Y. Almirantis, S. Papageorgiou. Pattern Formation in Heterogeneous Domains; D.L. Benson, et al. A Field Model of Symmetry Reversals in the Pattern Regulation of a Cell; W.A.M. Brandts. Patterning in Limbs; S.V. Bryant, et al. The Development of a Spatial Pattern in a Model for Cancer Growth; M.A.J. Chaplain. Sequential and Synchronous Skin Pattern Formation; G.C. Cruywagen, et al. Control of Gap Junction Permeability Can Control Pattern Formation in Limb Development; R. Dillon, H.G. Othmer. Mapping Gene Activities into Morphological Patterns in Drosophila; B. Goodwin, S. Kauffman. Trajectories of Swimming Microorganisms and Continuum Models of Bioconvection; N.A. Hill. The Chicken and the Egg; T.J. Horder. 20 additional articles. Index.
General Modes of Pattern Formation; J.D. Murray. Process and Outcome; P. Alberch, M.J. Blanco. Retinoic Acid Cannot be the Morphogen in Reaction Diffusion Models for the Formation of the Chick Wing Bud; Y. Almirantis, S. Papageorgiou. Pattern Formation in Heterogeneous Domains; D.L. Benson, et al. A Field Model of Symmetry Reversals in the Pattern Regulation of a Cell; W.A.M. Brandts. Patterning in Limbs; S.V. Bryant, et al. The Development of a Spatial Pattern in a Model for Cancer Growth; M.A.J. Chaplain. Sequential and Synchronous Skin Pattern Formation; G.C. Cruywagen, et al. Control of Gap Junction Permeability Can Control Pattern Formation in Limb Development; R. Dillon, H.G. Othmer. Mapping Gene Activities into Morphological Patterns in Drosophila; B. Goodwin, S. Kauffman. Trajectories of Swimming Microorganisms and Continuum Models of Bioconvection; N.A. Hill. The Chicken and the Egg; T.J. Horder. 20 additional articles. Index.

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