Coherence Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules in Laser Fields

Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
983 g
260x183x29 mm

Atoms in Intense Laser Fields: Inhibition of Atomic Ionization in Strong Laser Fields; B. Piraux, E. Huens. Optical Analogs of Model Atoms in Fields; P.W. Milonni. Molecules in Intense Laser Fields: Intense Field Dynamics of Diatomic Molecules; L.F. DiMauro, et al. Excitation of Molecular Hydrogen in Intense Laser Fields; H. Helm, et al. High Intensity Molecular Multiphoton Ionization; G.N. Gibson, et al. Atomic Coherences: Coherence in Strong Field Harmonic Generation; A. L'Huillier, et al. Coherent Interactions within the Atomic Continuum; P. Lambropoulos, et al. Molecular Coherences: Femtosecond Pulse Shaping and Excitation of Molecular Coherences; A.M. Weiner, et al. Coherence in the Control of Molecular Processes; P. Brumer, M. Shapiro. Optimal Control of Molecular Motion; H. Rabitz. 25 additional articles. Index.
Atoms in Intense Laser Fields: Inhibition of Atomic Ionization in Strong Laser Fields; B. Piraux, E. Huens. Optical Analogs of Model Atoms in Fields; P.W. Milonni. Molecules in Intense Laser Fields: Intense Field Dynamics of Diatomic Molecules; L.F. DiMauro, et al. Excitation of Molecular Hydrogen in Intense Laser Fields; H. Helm, et al. High Intensity Molecular Multiphoton Ionization; G.N. Gibson, et al. Atomic Coherences: Coherence in Strong Field Harmonic Generation; A. L'Huillier, et al. Coherent Interactions within the Atomic Continuum; P. Lambropoulos, et al. Molecular Coherences: Femtosecond Pulse Shaping and Excitation of Molecular Coherences; A.M. Weiner, et al. Coherence in the Control of Molecular Processes; P. Brumer, M. Shapiro. Optimal Control of Molecular Motion; H. Rabitz. 25 additional articles. Index.

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