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Imagining Autism

Fiction and Stereotypes on the Spectrum
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Sonya Freeman Loftis
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A disorder that is only just beginning to find a place in disability studies and activism, autism remains in large part a mystery, giving rise to both fear and fascination. Sonya Freeman Loftis's groundbreaking study examines literary representations of autism or autistic behavior to discover what impact they have had on cultural stereotypes, autistic culture, and the identity politics of autism. Imagining Autism looks at fictional characters (and an author or two) widely understood as autistic, ranging from Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes and Harper Lee's Boo Radley to Mark Haddon's boy detective Christopher Boone and Steig Larsson's Lisbeth Salander. The silent figure trapped inside himself, the savant made famous by his other-worldly intellect, the brilliant detective linked to the criminal mastermind by their common neurology-these characters become protean symbols, stand-ins for the chaotic forces of inspiration, contagion, and disorder. They are also part of the imagined lives of the autistic, argues Loftis, sometimes for good, sometimes threatening to undermine self-identity and the activism of the autistic community.
Introduction1. The Autistic Detective: Sherlock Holmes and his Legacy2. The Autistic Savant: Pygmalion, Saint Joan, and the Neurodiversity Movement3. The Autistic Victim: Of Mice and Men and Flowers for Algernon4. The Autistic Gothic: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Glass Menagerie, and The Sound and the Fury 5. The Autistic Child Narrator: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time6. The Autistic Label: Diagnosing (and Un-Diagnosing) the Girl with the Dragon TattooAfterwordNotesIndex

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